
Hello everyone,

So, it’s 3rd January 2019, the start of another year. This time last year, I sat and thought it would be fun to set up a website to show some of my favourite images taken on my travels over the last few years, together with a blog with some background info on the travels and locations. But I didn’t. Why? Because, like most folks probably, I was filled with self-doubt - why would anyone want to look at my images and read my ramblings about where I’ve been and what I’ve done? There are already a plethora of blogs out there doing just that.

I’m still filled with self-doubt, but what is there to lose? Even if no one reads anything I write nor looks at any of my images, I’m no worse off than I am sitting typing this; and just maybe I’ll inspire one or two to visit a location or least take you there through my images and words.

The site is going to be a work in progress as I add images and blogs, some of which will be historical, taking you back to places I’ve visited up to about six years ago, while others will be more current.

I hope you’ll follow my journey with a camera….and do feel free to comment, I’m interested to hear what you think.



Starting On the Edge: St Kilda